You Lived in Phoenix in the 60s, 70s, and 80s If...
You remember when Bell Road (especially through Glendale) was the considered edge of civilization. There was nothing there but tumbleweeds and prairie dogs. Now, it's where you go to run all your errands. Or if you were traveling eastbound on Bell Rd. the sign that said 'Scottsdale- 21 miles.'
Your parents took you to Legend City, the only theme park in Phoenix.
Mornings were spent watching 'The Wallace and Ladmo Show.' When it was over, it was time to leave for school. 'Ladmo Bags'.
You remember when Beardsley Road was a seldom traveled, two-lane blacktop. Now, it's the eastbound frontage road for the Loop 101 freeway.
Before there was Target, there was Gemco. Now, most of the old Gemco stores are Targets.
The original Cine Capri theater stood at 24th St and Camelback from 1964 to 1998 |
You remember stores like Yellow Front, Woolco, Newberry's, McCrory's, TG&Y, Fedmart, Sprouse Reitz, Wards and Yates.
You remember when Metrocenter Mall had a below-grade ice skating rink. Watching skaters from the overlook above was the best way to escape the summer heat.
Metrocenter also had a Farrell's ice cream parlor. No Farrell's trip was complete without getting to see two waiters run though the restaurant with a sundae resting on a stretcher, while lights and sirens whirred in the background. Sometimes, the ice cream would fall off the stretcher. Don't forget the trip thru their candy store.
You were bummed when Farrell's closed. The space was later occupied by 'Round the Corner, a burger and sandwich place similar to Red Robin.
You saw a concert at Compton Terrace when it was attached to Legend City.
Your dad subscribed to the Phoenix Gazette (afternoon newspaper) and the Arizona Republic on Sunday.
You remember when the Brass Armadillo antique mall was Angel's - a building supply warehouse similar to Home Depot.
You remember when you got your building supplies from O'Malley's, Entz-White or Payless Cashways.
You remember when the Phoenix Suns were the only professional sports team in the state, and they played their games at Phoenix Memorial Coliseum.
Your groceries came from Alpha Beta, AJ Bayless, Lucky's, Neb's Market or Smitty's. Smitty's even had a little coffee shop attached to it.
A night out consisted of family dinner at the Lunt Avenue Marble Club. Their deep fried mushrooms were the best.
You remember when eastbound I-10 ended at Dysart Road. In order to continue east, you had to take McDowell or Thomas Road 15 miles to I-17 and head south. I-10 started up again somewhere east of downtown.
You ate breakfast at Sambo's or Bob's Big Boy.
You drove to Central and Thomas to have strawberry pie at Big Boy's because it was a car hop and they brought it to your car.
You remember when houses were built with carports instead of garages. Roofs were covered with wood shakes or asphalt shingles instead of stone tiles.
You remember home builder's billboards that advertised interest rates of 11%.
Your aspirin and cough syrup came from Skagg's, Revco, Thrifty's, or Drug Emporium.
Your shoes came from Buster Brown.
You remember when CBS was on Channel 10, ABC was on channel 3, and channels 5 and 15 were independent. Now, CBS is on Channel 5, FOX is on Channel 10, ABC is on Channel 15, and Channel 3 no longer has a network affiliation. NBC and PBS are the only ones that stayed on their original stations (channel 12 and 8, respectively).
You remember when channel 15 broadcast pay-tv at night (It was called ON-TV).
You spent hours watching early music videos on UHF channel 61. Due to the limited number of videos at the time, songs like 'Down Under', 'I Ran', and 'Come on Eileen' were repeated quite often. You were lucky if you could get decent reception.
You accompanied your dad to the True Value Hardware store in Westown in hopes of getting to stop at Baskin Robbins afterward.
You shopped at Valley West Mall before it became a ghost town, and was ultimately torn down.
You shopped at Phoenix Spectrum Mall when it was known as Chris-Town.
You woke up to Bruce Kelly in the morning on KZZP. Before that - Jonathon Brandmeier and his 'loons!'
You remember Phoenix's only real rock and roll stations were KRIZ and KRUX in the 1960s.
You rode the 'Tico' to Park Central.
1981 Phoenix City Bus featuring "Tico" mascot |
You remember quality local programming like Open House with Rita Davenport or Sun Spots with Jan DiAtri.
You accompanied your dad to the LaBelle's catalog showroom to buy your mom's Christmas present.
Before he was governor, you remember Evan Mecham as the owner of a Pontiac dealership in Glendale.
You remember when Castles-n-Coasters was known as Golf-n-Stuff.
You remember when the entire state of Arizona only had one area code. Now, there are three in the Phoenix area alone.
You remember when Scottsdale Fashion Square was an outdoor mall with Goldwater's, Bullocks and Lenord's luggage being the only stores.
You remember when Goldwater's was bought out by Robinson May who was then bought out by Macy's.
You remember when Diamonds was bought out by Dillards.
You remember when Diamonds box office was the only place to buy concert tickets.
You remember when it hit 99* and that was considered HOT.
Big Surf water park |
You remember when best ice cream was found at Thrifty's Drug Store, where $0.85 cents would get you three scoops.
You remember when you wrote all your information down on a piece of paper and then your drivers license was mailed to you. It was very easy to change the 1968 to 1965 (because it was still in your hand writing) so that you could go to Devil House drinking because the drinking age was 19 years old.
You remember when you could go to Devil House for dancing 'after hours' which was from 1am - 3am.
You remember going to see 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' at midnight on Mill Ave.
You remember when 44th Street and Thomas was 'Thomas Mall'.
You remember when 40th Street and Thomas was 'Tower Plaza,' and there were a few people that climbed to the top and threaten to jump.
You remember when there was a canal at 48th.
You remember when driving up Pima Rd and you could see for miles and miles because there was nothing east or north of Shea Rd. And it was very dark and scary.
You remember when the only way to get to Shea Rd was thru 'Dreamy Park' and there weren't any streetlights. Squaw Peak was the name of a mountain, not a highway.
You remember going to concerts at Graham Central Station because the band was not popular enough to fill Mesa Amphitheater.
1 – 200 of 1096 Newer› Newest»What a great blog post. I remember those days...I remember going down to the canal every year when they drained it. Not sure why it was a good time but it was.
No one remembers Channel 61! That's awesome to see someone else does! I totally forgot about the people who would threaten to jump off the tower at Tower Plaza!
I remember Minder Binders in Tempe. It was so cool with all the eclectic decor!
My parents didn't take me to Legend City, I took my kids there!
There was also a Farrells at Indian School Scottsdale. And we'll never forget "Organ Stop Pizza" downtown.
Tower plaza had an ice skating rink, the cool guys rented hockey skates.
How about "Shiprock" on 32nd street, just north of the canal. There's a remnant still, but it used to be the ruin of a full size house (supposedly designed by Frank Lloyd Wright). That's where we'd embark thru the desert on our ten-speeds. Schwinn Varsities for most, but the Schwinn Continentals were better because they had center pull brakes. No water of course, middle of the summer. We'd ride north to Lincoln, then east to Palo Christi, and fly down the hill the the church on Stanford, which had a refrigerated drinking fountain.
Perusing this blog as I am moving back to the Valley after a three decade absence. In my mind, the Lunt Ave Marble Club is still new, and I am deeply disappointed to hear that Organ Stop is a thing of the past...
Dreamy Draw not Park, although it is a park.
2001: A Space Oddesey, at the Northern Drive-in. I had to go 3 times because the windows kept getting steamed up! ; 50 Arizona drive-ins, 48 are now closed.
Remember when I-10 eastbound ended at Indio?
I have these vague memories of going to a place in the mid 70s, that would have been in the Central and Indian School area. And it had animatronic birds in cages that moved and sang as you ate lunch. Only one other native that I know has validated this memory, and I wish I could remember a name....And remember Tropic Gardens Zoo at 7th st S. of Glendale? A parrot bit me there.....
I also loved channel 61! Does anyone remember "Escalator of Life" by Robert Hazzard?
Who remembers getting your hair cut at Long Hair Inc.? How about using Conceived By Nature Shampoo, Creme Rinse and Conditioner? What shop did you go to, 35th Ave and Bethany, 35th Ave and Peoria, Maryvale, Tempe or the Tucson shops? Do you remember the name of your Barber there?
I don't know about Tropic Gardens Zoo, but in 1959 my parents took us to Jungle Park Zoo on 7th St. There were little rides that you put dime in, we loved riding on them.
I worked at Legend City, ran camera on Wallace & Ladmo, directed the Phoenix Suns and shor commercials for Entz White. Uh oh, i'm old"
Mark aheier
I remember when we used to take a Sunday drive to see all the Japanese flower gardens on Baseline.
I remember cruising central ave. In the 80s on a hot summer night.
I have been trying to recall the name of a Mexican food restaurant about a half mile North or maybe South of McDowell on the East side of Central Ave in an old house during the early 1960's. I believe there was a stabbing death in the kitchen shortly before it closed. Can anyone help? It was not Woody's, which was on West McDowell.
I am surprised to NOT see SuperX as a pharmacy on here!!
Organ Stop Pizza is a;ove and well in Mesa with TWO pipe organs!!
I wonder what the reaction is going to be after ALL the $$ that has been spent on flood protection proves to NOT work as well as the public was sold on it.
If I'm remembering the same place, it was mainly a patio area surrounded by oleanders. I don't remember the name or the stabbing, lol.
I remember Isaac Newtons's Notorious Falling Apple Saloon on Rural near the ASU campus in Tempe. I'm Luke Allison and I bought it with Ray Fluharty in 1976from Paul Yamaluk. My favorite entertainer was Hans Olsen and who can forget Nefertiti the belly-dancer with the boa constrictor on Tuesday nights. Sky Blue Water was the band we booked the most. They were in the middle of a Skynard tune one night when a woman called to say there was a bomb in the bar. I grabbed what I thought might be a clear pill bottle of nitro behind the band and walked out front wondering if it would blow me to pieces. Turned out it was the guitar player's glass slide piece. I raced back inside and placed it back on the top of his amp just as he reached for it. My competition was the Blue Goat Pub, Professor Pudgies, Varsity Inn, Fridays and Saturdays, the dreaded disco from the Sun Devil Lounge and finally Dooleys on Apache which buried me financially before the Tempe zoning board decided we were no longer welcome and pulled our license. Any of you who came to Newtons will remember the spotlight I shined on the dance floor and the gorilla arm wrestling frat boys. The Suns stole the idea for the gorilla from ME! I believe we may have invented "Drink and Drown" nights too...$10 at the door and all the well booze and keg beer you could drink. Our bouncers usually had to mace a customer or two during those drunkfests. If you lived in Tempe during the mid-70's you likely spent a night or two at Isaac Newtons. Thanks. :)
Remember Tony of Peter Piper Pizza, Service Merchandise
Salt river pete
some of my friends used to minibike at the pits on the road between Northern and Shea. Also Evan Mecham ran for governor when I was a kid in the 60's. There was a cop station in Sunnyslope on the canal and Central.
I remember some of my friends going mini biking at "the pits" by where northern turned north towards Shea. Also there was.a police station on central and the canal by Northern, and across the street from there was an old hotel with a pool in front of it which closed down quickly.
The cop station on central and the canal between Dunlap and Northern. Just across Central was an old hotel with a pool in front which was torn down not long after I first noticed it. The giant slide on 7th street and Dunlap. My friends used to go to where Dreamy Draw park is now, just off the old Northern where it turned north to Shea, to ride mini bikes in a giant excavated area they called the pits. I lived just south of Sunnyslope area by 3rd ave. and Butler.
Or cruising up at Metro Center Mall....
Does anyone remember the name of the record store chain that sold new and used record album's one was downtown Phoenix another was in Tempe
Does anyone remember Octopus Car wash on Thomas and 41st I worked there for about 10 year's
To Anonymous 8-9-2013, Are you remembering Papagayo Mexican restaurant. In an old house, east side of Central, north of McDowell and the canal. We ate there frequently, along with Jordan's Hacienda (Central south of Thomas), and Valle Del Sol on about 16th St and E. McDowell.
Does anyone remember the name of the record store chain that sold new and used record album's one was downtown Phoenix another was in Tempe
That would be Zia Records (still in existence).
Closed is Circles Records and Tapes.
I moved to Phoenix in 1984 and have seen many changes. But my husband has been here since 1955 and he shares stories with me. He learned to drive a car near 32nd Street between Lincoln and Camelback. He also talks about when the canal broke and flooded his street and house.
Welcome to the blogging world Cathy!
Blessings and love,
Partying at the river bottom after football games.
Not on PHX DT. But its still in valley in mesa.
How about jolly roger restaurant on camelback road. Around 19 st. Where children paid according to weight. And all the waiter an staff dressed as pirates? Now its a chilies
Funny you mention Angel's. I was changing an electrical outlet at home, and the one I was replacing still had an Angel's price tag on it!
I remember all the things mentioned, but the thing I remember most was the vast wide oped spaces, quiet sundays, Legend city the family place, Christown the largest outdoor mall in the country and we were just a hick town back then, the Metro the largest indoor mall in the country at the time and built on orange groves, that right orange groves, it was hot as hell but we didnt care riding out past bell when it was patrolled by the county, monsoons were just plain dust storms, and not a 4 month event on the news, I LOVE PHOENIX
Rollerskating at Rollercade at Northern and 35th Avenue; buying my magic supplies at Bert Easley's on McDowell, concerts at the band shell at Encanto, pizza after a game at Alhambra HS at Peter Piper on 43rd and Glendale, watching soft porn from across the street at Indian School Drive In. During the summer, you could walk through my neighborhood (35th and Bethany) and pick fruit off all of the trees; back then, I didn't know what a pomegranate was for, or how to peel it.
I remember when they built the Adams Hotel with the rotating restaurant at the top. You could walk home from work late at 2am, at the age of 16, and there was no curfew and the cops wouldn't hassle you. I remember when the girls worked down on Van Buren instead of at 27th and Glendale. I remember West Plaza, it had an LLSmith's hardware store and a Paddock Pools. Mr. Steak at 43rd and Bethany, and steak sandwiches at Jack in the box. Cruising Metrocenter on weekends and going to that Taj Majal game arcade on the outer loop. The ice skating rink at 27th and Indian School. Bingo on Friday nights at St. Vincent de Paul on 27th Ave, just north of Bethany where the room was absolutely full of cigarette smoke. The State Fair every year at the Coliseum. Walking to school my first day of first grade, and every day thereafter, BY MYSELF, and not being catered to by helicopter parents watching my every second. The bus was a dime and you could take it all the way to Sky Harbor at 5am, and no one thought anything of it. I thought Avondale was third world country, and Lake Pleasant was half way to Canada, but then I was 6.
I believe that the Rocky Horror Picture Show was playing exclusively at the Sombrero Playhouse, on 7th ave & Highland, up to the late 70’s.
Also, you could see a different movie every two day.
It was odyssey records you could get 3 albums for 9.99
I remember the livestock watering hole west of 32nd Street just north of Bell Rd where it turned into a dirt road. In the 1960s we'd see mountain lion tracks around it and in the 1970s it was a popular high school "boondocker" spot. I learn to drive on that dirt road.
@Arthur Kevin-
Were you thinking about Tower Records?
The Morning Mayor ruled the 80's and 90's on KUPD DAVE PRATT!
Don't forget the "Pink Sidewalk"...
I remember the Cinema Park Drive-in. It was located on the corner of 7th.St.and Missouri Rd. My husband took me there on our 1st. date,back in 1963.We will be married 50 yrs. this Qct. I also loved to go horseback riding at Cactus Stables.It was around 17th St.and Northern, 16th street was just a dirt road around there then.
I have lived in Phoenix since 1957 and I remember many things that I wished had never changed especially the many citrus groves all throughout the city and the heavenly scent of orange blossoms every spring. A few things that have not been mentioned: Stage 7 night club for teens at 7th Street & Indian School in the old JC's building. Summer Armory dances at 52nd street and E. McDowell Road. We never wanted those night s to end! Rollerdome - roller skating at about 28th Street and McDowell; the huge swim park with several pools, sand and palm trees that was at 36th Street and Thomas - where Tower Plaza now stands. We heard that Tower Plaza was primarily funded by celebrity investors. The Round-up Drive in on about 68th Street and Thomas Road where there was a very high cowboy figure all lit up in neon that enticed attendees; o enjoy a once in awhile treat at the Sugar Bowl in Scottsdale. I remember when Scottsdale Road was two lanes and a stop sign at every block - no stop lights - we used to call it "Stopsdale." The Red Dog night club in Scottsdale. Ice cream sundaes at Mary Coyle's when it was on Thomas or McDowell. Eating at Brookshires at 16th street and McDowell or on Scottsdale Road close to the Sugar Bowl; great pizza at the original Red Devil Restaurant on about 29th Street and McDowell Rd; delicious Mexican food at the original Manual's Restaurant at 32nd Street and Indian School; shopping at Wagon Wheel center which also had a bowling alley - 44th Street and Thomas Rd. Some drug stores had ice cream fountains where they also served food. The only decent sea food restaurant in town back then was the Lobster Trap and 16th Street just north of Camelback. Remember McDonald's at Central and Indian School - 15 cent burgers. The Indian School still resided at Indian School and Central Avenue. Various schools throughout the Valley help summer recreation programs for kids during the day and baseball/softball games at night. That was so much fun! There used to be an insurance building on Central Avenue south of Thomas Rd. that had a huge fountain with a geyser....and teens used to put soap in it from time to time and bubbles were everywhere. Hanging out at Bob's Big Boy at Central and Thomas Rd. Ah, such wonderful memories! Thanks for the happy walk down memory lane!
I really loved reading everyone's posts. Brings back a lot of memories. I moved to Phoenix in 1958. If my memory is correct, the population was only about 158,000 then. The Westward Ho Hotel was the tallest building in the city. A bunch of us played flag football at Encanto Park, then going to Mary Coyle's for ice cream on Thomas Road. I moved to California for 20 years and was always surprised at how much the Valley had changed. I'm back now and miss the old Phoenix, but time marches on.
During this period, there was a Mexican restaurant on the West side of Central South of Missouri. Does anyone recall the name?
That Mexican restaurant was called Willie and Guillermos.
And there was a third Farrell's at Christown. I started working there as a dishwasher/busboy a week before my 15th birthday...
What was the place that had concerts in North Tempe/Scottsdale on Scottsdale Road I think. I saw Doug Kershaw there with my parents. It was on the east side of the road. A small venue. I think Buck Owens owned it or performed there too.
Here's Marbles clubs recipe if anyone wants it. The best zucchini and mushrooms I ever had by far.
Is it Los Olivos? Too many good restaurants in Phoenix to even mention.
Two places that I remember that haven't been mentioned. First us a buffet called The Filling Station that was on Osborn and maybe 3rd street. Also a video game arcade called Jukebox Junction on Indian School and central.
Willie and Guillermo's were the same guys from Chicago who owned Lunt Ave. Marble Club. Another of my favorite Tempe hangouts was Dr. Munchies owned by Jack Gartley who was one of the original vintage car shows guys in the Valley. Fridays & Saturdays in the River bottom between Tempe and Scottsdale. Country and disco upstairs like Dooleys, was originally owned by Waylon Jennings. Later, Anderson's Fifth Estate is where I ended my bar-crawling days. :)
pink sidewalks. love ins at encanto park, i think on wednesday evenings. birds in christown and the big fish tanks at thomas mall.
Miner's Camp Restaurant-best in the world!!! Always took out-of-state friends & relatives there. Incredible Atmosphere.
Also, the fountain, train, & jet in Pioneer Park, in Mesa, across from the LDS temple.
It was "Dreamy Draw", not Dreamy Park.
There was Village Inn Pizza where you could have your pizza and watch Laurel and Hardy movies.
I was moved to Phoenix from San Diego 1946 I was 5 yo. As a teen my most fond memories were cruseing Central ave. from Bob's Big Boy south to Artic Circle. I dated a few of the car hops at Bob's. My Fav was Robin I lost track of her long a go.
Do you recall all of the country western dance halls in the 50's 60's Marty Robbins played at Fred Cares 35 th ave. and McDowell. Sarge's cow town and riverside ball room on Central, Harry's Capri east Van Buren, Buck Owens in Tempe on old US 60 and many moore
Really enjoyed reading your blog. I liked watching our "big three" local newscasters Ray Thomson on channel 12 NBC, Bill Close cha.10 CBS, & Dave Nichols cha. 3 ABC, not to mention Stu Tracy longtime cha. 5 weatherman. Open House with Rita Davenport(5), Dewey Hopper, Linda Al~vereze, Hee Haw was the only thing on Sat. around dinner time, sometimes roller derby.
Does anyone remember, or better yet, have a photo of the house near downtown Phoenix in the 70's that had the family made out of cans in the front yard?
Remember El Rancho grocerys
Terminal 1 at Sky Harbor Airport ;-)
I also remember weekend movies on channel 5 with Jack Ross and his wife Aquennetta. Criuzing central from the libray on Macdowell to wienerstitezel Wallace and Ladmo saterday morning show in Christown theater's tubing the salt river
I owned Bootleg T-Shirt & Cap at 1711 E. Apache Blvd in Tempe...thousands of cars passed my shop each day from '74-'77. We did the KDKB T-shirts some of you may still favorite was the huge carrot wearing headphones. Eric somebody or other was the GM there at the time...that account opened a lot of doors for me in the Valley. :)
Yes, KDKB joined KRIZ and KRUX in the early 70s. Bill Heywood with his running gag about "Sweatmore Enterprises" was another radio jock that people listened to from the 60s on.
I took several dates to the third Farrells in Christown, and before that, Wallace and Ladmo had their Saturday Movie Matinee shows at the Christown theater.
Milk delivered to *your house* from Shamrock dairy.
Learning to bowl at 300 Bowl near the Bob's Big Boys. Having a sandwich at nearby Funny Fellows.
How about the Carnation coffee shop near the McDonalds at Indian School?
Buying model airplanes from Webster's Hobby Shop (which was near the restaurant that became Lunt Avenue, another place I took dates to.)
And, yes, cruising Central in my 1964 1/2 red Ford Mustang.
How about Roar's Bird Farm, Shakey's Pizza where you could watch old Laurel and Hardy movies, and the old Rawhide.
The Peppertree aon 7th Ave. north of Thomas Rd. I was the first "bus-girl" hired there, June 1967. Met an interesting guy that summer working there.
I loved Ch61! I won tickets from them to see Weird Al and rode there on my bike to get them, I thought it was the coolest thing ever LOL
Such great stories, memories! Channel 61's station was right by my house at 35th Ave & Orangewood. I learned how to ice skate at Metrocenter. We had desert keg parties in high school at Happy Valley Road, Beardsley Rd., Skunk Creek. You could climb Squaw Peak at night and see the stars and city lights, Cloud 9 too (I think it was part of Biltmore Golf course not sure.) There were dollar movies at Valley West Mall, my first job was at the Karmelcorn there, people would come buy popcorn from me and sneak it into the movie. ;) We spent Summer's outdoors then, the heat wasn't so bad and TV was boring. The neighborhood kids would just migrate from house to house, pool to pool if you had one.
I remember when Royal Palm park was called Butler park. I also remember when butler park was a open field lined by orange trees and had horses grazing in it, and belonged to a rancher who had sold off most of his ranch for the subdivision that surrounded him between Dunlap and Northern 15th lane and 7th ave. There were open canals that led from Dunlap to the ranch and we would spend hours traveling down them catching fish and craw-daddies. Neighborhood Rodeos with all the horse properties in the area. No bridges over the canal to get into Sunnyslope. Had to cross he bride ay 19th ave and Hatcher to go to town of Sunnyslope.
Don't forget Mary Coyle's Ice Cream Parlor on 7th St. (Or is is Ave? I can never remember!) I believe they just recently closed (again).
I was born and raised in Phoenix, lived just off of 35th Ave and Peoria. I remember a lot of these things such as yes, I used Conceived by Nature, the Gemco where my parents bought a tv that swiveled. But what I remember and miss the most are the orange blossoms. How what felt like the entire city smelled of orange blossoms in the spring. That Meto was "the Mall". And we lost our home because of the flood control. We lived on the canal and were one of the houses that was taken.... Phoenix back in the day was a wonderful place to grow up and I have such fond memories... Thanks for the blog and reminders....
I remember when Marge was the hostess of Open House on channel 5. It came on at noon and my mom watched it every day.
East and West High Schools. Western Auto. The Arizona Bank, Valley Bank, and the "ugly teller" at United Bank. Rax Roast Beef. Gino's Pizza. Brookshires. Cine Capri.
We used to watch the fireworks at West Town, from our roof.
I worked at the Blair movie theater at Metro Center. Now it is just a cement slab next to the library.
Remember Sambo's? I was the graveyard cook! Remember when Thomas mall had big fish tanks, we used to go for feeding time for the piranha, what about the white Quartz mountains, or the
Pancho's at Scottsdale mall? Or there were actual stockyards south of Legand City, and the Cudahey meat packing co., or when we used to go fishing at the Verde River, or go "skimming" with round wooden discs on flooded lawns!?...Aries.
Someone posted a comment about remembering a restaurant in Phoenix or Scottsdale that had animatronic birds in cages and served animal-shaped Jello! For 40+ years, I thought I my mind had made up a memory with a cross between the Tiki Room at Disneyland and Bobby McGee's. actuality it was the Betty Crocker TreeHouse Restaurant. It was not around long, maybe 2-3 years but I am so happy it was a real place!
Fun times! I remember Guggy's in Christown, the canal flood, Mary Coyle's, cruising Central Ave., Nelson's Pool, the citrus smell, tubing the Salt River, the Phoenix Roadrunners hockey team, the rodeo at Memorial Coliseum, Legend City of course, hiking Squaw Peak. Thanks for the memories.
The nightclub in Scottsdale/Tempe was JD's. It was on Scottsdale Rd. in the river bottom near Curry. Waylon Jennings played there and there was a huge portrait of him over the bar. I also saw Doug Kershaw there--great place.
When Pv mall had a fountain outside the lil food court area then .I can still vaguely picture it ..... Going to the movies at the theater at 32nd and Shea .I remember my moms friend took me there to see ET and then took me to get my ears pierced for my 5th birthday.
....When McDonald's play place was McDonald's play land and it was out side -the hamburglar , the fry guys ....
And playing tether ball and four square at school .Those were the days (♡♡]
Sheesh, no one mentioned swimming at the Flumes out in way west valley, Dangerous and exciting. Or watching classics at Sombrero Playhouse on 7th or waiting in the huge line to see Star Wars at the Cine Capri, the original. Or when Park Central was the only mall in town. But then I remember shopping at department stores downtown before Park Central opened
REVCO!?! You mean Ryan Evans Drug Store!
I love this post, having grown up in Phoenix between 1963-1983 (age 4-24), but I remember my family shopping at Basha's more than the other grocery stores, the one at 16th & Bethany Home Rd, around the corner from our house. Meat from Hobe Meat Market on 16th, just north of Bethany Home Rd, too.
I remember getting to Shea by driving on "the Dreamy Draw," and 45 cents got 3 scoops at Thrifty.
Remember Humpty Dumpty restaurant north of Camelback on Central. It was not far from Willy and Geurmos.
Maybe Circles Records on north Central.
Yeah... Jim's Jukebox Junction.
How about: Sir Georges Buffet, Rollerland on west Thomas, Circles Records on north Central, Broadway Pool which got it's freezing water from the canal, the imploding of the Adams Hotel, Warnke Photography Studio in downtown Phoenix, when Aztecs Bridal was just 1 small store, the original LA Canasta on south 7th Ave when it was just a tiny room attached to a house & they sold mainly tamales, menudo & little bags of "taco bread" (broken tortilla chips) for 10 cents, the house that sold snow cones near13th St & Buckeye, buying homemade chorizo from Goyo, the owner of Mary Lou's Market on 3rd Ave & Mohave, Stuart Sherman dances at St. Anthony's & GCC, local bands: Syndiket (spelling?), Tocayo & My Brother's Band, seeing the edges of town from Lookout Point at South Mountain & barely any lights to the south, the monsoons washing out all the bridges & roads that cross the river bottom, and Yellow Front.
I believe Hans Olsen still performs occasionally at the Rhythm Room in Phx.
no one has mentioned the most amazing radio station in the early 80's KEY 100.3 "the key to your musical future" amazing cutting edge music at the time!
Anyone remember the drive-in movie theater that was located at 12902 N Cave Creek Rd. When my parents ran it, it was called the Valley Drive-In. Spent a lot of time there watching movies. My second job at a restaurant at 67th ave & Bell Rd, I had to drive to work on a 2 lane road, I could make it to work from Cave Creek & Greenway rd to work in 20 min not driving fast.
Boy, what fun to read all the comments posted. I moved to Phoenix in the late 70's. Remember so many of the places, restaurants, parks, malls. Loved running around the whole city. Even to Tempe. Many happy memories there. I worked at Long Hair Inc. through manpower inc. But my husband worked there full time. There was 3 owners, 3 full time employees, including the chemist. Loved the conceived by nature hair products. Used to go along on deliveries to the hair salons. What memories this brings back!!!
Someone wanted to know the name of the record shop on Central in the 70's. It was Circles.
What about the Sun Club in Tempe? Seen many awesome punk shows there! Grandfather used to watch Rose Mofford play softball when she was young. Quad riding near 7st and tbird the Pointe hotel was only thing there. Rollero. Levis from Yellow Front......
Hobo Joes Resturant
original creator of this chain also started BB Singers and the Brass Derby.
A&W drive in on 36th and Indian School car hops...I waited on cars on a unicycle there on fridays when the girls were cheering at the high school. good times!
How about the Super Slide next to Mr. Lucky's on Grand Avenue? I spend many a summer night there. I believe that they sold a book of tickets for $2.00. You'd slide down on pieces of burlap. We'd always try to "pull up" on the various drop downs and really fly high (usually killing ourselves when we landed on the fiberglass slide!).
Does anyone remember Curt the Clown and his crazy fire engine that he used to ride around in?
There was a Carnations Ice Cream place on Central and Indian School Rd. Nelsons swimming pool over on 19th Ave?? Took swim lessons there. Bashas?? Store. Grew up just off Central, between Northern and the canal.
I remember my very first rock concert at Compton Terrace, Cheap Trick.I think the tickets were less than $15.Me and a few friends sat there on a blanket on a nice night,sharing a cigarette with other concert goers,not a care at all.And I can remember cruising Metrocenter and getting to meet Paul Westphal.(did I spell his name right?)I had so much fun growing up,it couldn't be done in todays world though.So sad:(
Thanks for this post. Brought back a lot of memories I didn't know I still had. Lived in Tempe from '64 to '69, 1st Grade though half of 5th grade at Laird Elementary.
Found this post by searching for "Open House tv show Phoenix 60's". I wanted to find out what the the name of the show's theme song was. It was a well known song from that time. Does anyone know?
While I'm here, I'll throw in my recollections.
We moved to Phoenix from South Florida and stayed in the Valley Ho hotel while we searched for a house.
Went to the Sugar Bowl regularly and another place I've forgotten the name of that served great grilled cheese sandwiches and baskets of fries in those colored plastic baskets. Went to movies at the Kachina (sp?) theatre. (Saw 2001: a Space Odyssey there in about '69 and was blown away)
Moved into a north Tempe neighborhood south east of intersection of Scottsdale & McKellips on Bridalwreath Dr.
Shopped at A.J. Bayless and Wilco (or was it Woolco) (sp?).
Loved going to Legend City and doing the bumper cars.
Papago Park and the "hole in the rock" were places we'd go frequently.
In winter, we would drive up the Beeline Highway to the snow in Payson.
In summer, do a lot of fishing at and around Roosevelt lake.
Watched the Suns at the Memorial. Remember that big tile mosaic at one end. Was it of a thunderbird? Can't remember.
The Arizona State Fair was a lot of fun. They had live shows with bands like Buck Owens and they had the cast of the TV show Bonanza there once.
Of course I watched Wallace & Ladmo (and Gerald and Super Duper Man). Somewhere I still have a record of the Salt River Navy Band. I also noticed that my mom laughed at things in the show I didn't think were that funny. Didn't realize till later the show had humor for adults, too.
Remember the day a huge haboob dust storm overtook me, my brother and friends while out playing and we thought the world was ending.
How hot it got in the summer; when the sole of our sneakers started sticking to the pavement and made a ripping sound when we ran, it was time to go inside.
Also, how low-rise the whole city was. If you got 20 feet in the air, you could see forever.
Sorry for the stream of consciousness memory dump, but I felt compelled to do it or I would have gone crazy.
So, anyway, anyone remember what the theme song to the tv show "Open House" was?
More memories from me, the guy who lived in Tempe on Bridalwreath in the 60's:
This is something that still confuses my California friends and I have to repeat the explanation:
We never watered our yard; instead a man from the water company came out a regular intervals, went into our backyard, opened a manhole-like cover in the middle of the yard and water came gushing out.
It flooded our front and back yards. The water soaked into the ground and that was it until he came again,
The school did the same thing, so it was like a big lake with narrow raised dirt berms we would walk on to get to the school buildings.
Also, we lived next to the Pima reservation, so for part of the year, Pima kids would attend our school, then they would go somewhere else for the rest of the school year.
For those of you who may know the neighborhood I lived in, it has changed greatly since I was there. It was half built when we moved in. A new neighborhood for young families with kids.
Does anyone remember a restaurant in North Phoenix off of Central Ave. called Rocky's Hideaway? Just a small place, limited menu but the best steaks in AZ. I believe there way a motel right behind them and the only way into the restaurant was through the kitchen. Rocky owned it and Macky was the best bar tender. There were several regulars and always had a great time there.
We used to go to Mr. Lucky's our senior year because they would let 18 year old females in the bar at night! Country upstairs, Rock and Roll downstairs.
Cruising Central, kickaboo punch at desert parties, Mrs. Sam's for lunch next to Washington High School, and Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Sombrero Theatre!! Fun times... kids today have no idea what they are missing!
How about a 20 dollar bill? Fill your truck up. Buy some beer& cig's. Pick up your date.Go party and get some Jack in the Box on yer way home..A 20 would stetch back then...
Do you remember the real live big birds at the west end of Christown Mall in the mid sixties
Does anyone remember the wax museum on Van Buren?
Remember when, in order to get to Yuma, you had to take Buckeye Road all the way to where it ended, and then go south, and had to actually drive THRU Buckeye...4 way stop, and all? Also, remember when Compton Terrace WASN'T was a miniature golf course? Remember having to drive for what seems like hours, in the middle of nowhere, to get to Rawhide?
Great memories, Born and raised here in 1953,I Remember the swift dairy at 27th ave and Camelback, Riding in the Parada del Sol parade in Scottsdale all the way to the grand entry of the rodeo at the colliseum,I-17 ended or started at indian school road everything north of Dunlap was agriculture fields John Jacobs I Believe, The haunted house Meriweathers, Wrigley mansion with the pink side walk that crossed under Lincoln drive, Cloud 9, My uncle raced at Beeline Dragway, Stockyards on Van Buran, The first Jack in the Box, Krazy Ed's, Pinnacle Peak, Reata Pass, Lower Lake Pleasant for trout, Happy Valley road with the Saghauro Cactus in the middle of the dirt road, Rexall drug stores, Cowbell burgers, A J Bayless, Ladmo Burgers, Got our school clothes at the JC penny's in Glendale, Grand Avenue to Blythe California, Lot of things have changed here over the Years and a lot of memories have been captured as well, Love this place and thanks you all for the trip down memory lane.
The Stockyard Steak House, when the stockyards were still there.
Grew up in Phoenix in the 60s. A favorite memory was going to Green Gables Restaurant which had a medieval theme. A knight on horseback met your car and led you to the parking lot.
Dorie Ruhe
The flumes, Rockers and the Pop Shop. Desert parties on Beardsley....
Remember the Disco scene in the late 1970s: Sun Devil Lounge on Rural and University (later replaced by Sun Devil House on Scottsdale Road just north of the Salt River (before it became a lake); Macayo's on Indian School and Scottsdale Road as well as on Central;
Remember the regular closing of major roads like Hayden or Scottsdale Road that were in the bottom of rivers like the Salt River.
Remember Lonnegan's, a Beatle's Bar on McDowell Road and 74th St
@ Luke Allison: I am an acquaintance of Mike Jennings who ran Dooley's in Tempe for his family. He is back in Minneapolis running restaurants, which is the family business. Mike has fond memories of his time in Tempe.
I need your help my fellow Phoenicians. I was born in Phoenix in 1966 and I remember in the early 70's a mansion that sat on the southwest corner of N. 12th Place and Bethany Home Road. Does anybody remember who owned it or lived there?
I remember swimming in the resevoir behind sqwaw peak and skateboarding on the pink sidewalk up to wrigley's mansion.
Minder Binders is open again.
Before Wallace was Golddust Charlie and before that Ken Kennedy's Carousel.
Great Reading. How about Tempe and ASU in 60's and 70's: Watching ASU football on mountain above the stadium; The tepee style motel (don't remember name) on Apache Blvd. Sin City apartment complexes and huge parties; Goodwin Stadium; Frank Kush, Bobby Winkles; Varsity Inn, Lunt Avenue Marble Club, Minder Binders, Fridays and Saturdays, The Library Bar; BoJos Sub Sandwiches, Dash Inn, Spaghetti Club, Montes La Casa Veija, ChuckBox Burgers, Panini's Warehouse; Big Surf; Sun Devil Barber Shop; Evolution Records; The Fountain by the MU; cheap movies at the twin theaters (Sun Devil Theaters?) somewhere around Rural Road and Southern; Road trips to Mr. Luck'ys on the west side; Skiing at Flagstaff Snow Bowl, Sunrise, or Purgatory in Colorado; water skiing at Sahuaro Lake; Curley Culp, Reggie Jackson, J.D Hill, Danny White, Woody Green, John Jefferson, Mark Malone, Barry Bonds.
Thank you to all for the contributions, it has been a nostalgic ride reading all the comments. My contribution would be "The Monastery" that was tucked off the road at 48th Street and Indian School. Great for beverages, warm bread and cheese, and playing "Pong".
Also recall the flood of 1980, when Tempe/Mesa was cut off from Phoenix, down to the Mill Bridge to commute. It would literally take hours to get through, there were creative folks out selling food, drink, newspapers, to the commuters stuck in the traffic.
Remember when Burger King first opened on Camelback and 21st Ave, and the excitement it created.
How about Rhodes Department Store that was at 18th Street & Camelback, in a mall with Sears? It was my high school job, and would go over to Town & Country for lunch.
The major Car Dealerships used to be Reed Mullin and Lou Grubb; glad to see Sanderson celebrating their longevity!
We didn't just subscribe to the Phoenix Gazette, I DELIVERED it :)
I'm old also...anyone remember the Playboy Club across from the Park Central Mall.......Yep it was in the shorter of the buildings I think.memory hazy but it was there! Go figure!!!!!!!!!
That was the one where you walked out onto the tarmac and climbed the stair-truck up to the plane, wasn't it? I was there once when the power went out, and they just waved everyone through the metal detectors without any screening.
Born in Tempe (1959), lived in Scottsdale until I was 19, plan on retiring in the Valley. I remember the orange groves and the wonderful smell, playing in the irrigation water when they flooded the school playgrounds, Organ Stop Pizza (still there), hanging out at Tower Plaza with my best friend who lived in the apartments right behind it, watching Wallace and Ladmo daily, even the cool kids thought they were funny. I still have vivid memories of standing in line at Cine Capri for Star Wars. Someone mentioned Curt the Clown, my father knew him and I got to meet him without the makeup, he was a nice guy but I was very shy. Going to the swap meet at the dog track and finding all sorts of cool stuff. Riding my bike down Scottsdale road and across Curry to hang out with friends in the river bottom under the Mill Avenue bridge. Lots of great memories here.
I remember the flumes! We were bad teenagers, we'd go out late at night the night before going out there and look for Big Wheels trikes that kids had left out in their yards, steal them and take them with us to ride down the water slide type of thing they had out there.
Right downstream from there was an aquaduct across a dry wash that was made from a steel half pipe. You had to be brave to float across that because it was so full of bullet holes you could barely touch the bottom without getting cut.
I think the one in my neighborhood was a Rexall before it was Revco. I remember taunting the cowboys at my school about being drugstore cowboys, calling them either Rexall Rangers or Revco Roughriders.
Fifteen cents a scoop was what I remember too. The Thrifty at 32nd and Cactus was one of the few places we could ride to on our bicycles. That, and the Taco Bell, and the Jack in the Box.
Thx for mentioning Lunt Avenue Marble Club, was dying to remember the name. Such a disappointment when they sold out, moved to Alma School in CHD and discontinued the French Onion soup we loved. Also don't forget to mention the Carnation restaurant at Central and Indian School.. and Websters Hobby Shop at Central and Camelback, one of the best ever.
Can't forget 40th Street near the airport on Saturday night.. spectator heaven. Or cruising hot rods on Central from Camelback to the old library at McDowell.
the AJ Bayless museum at 3rd Ave and Indian School was priceless, remember an early 1920s mechanical TV they had and others.. wonder what became of it?
:Before there was Target, there was Gemco. Now, most of the old Gemco stores are Targets."
Not true. Gemco stores were at 43rd Ave and Thunderbird, 67th Ave and Thomas, 19th Ave and Glendale, and a location in Tempe. Not Targets now.
The University Theater was on the south side of Broadway just east of Rural in Tempe. Does anyone remember the name of the pizza place just across the street on the north side of Broadway?
Did anyone go to Maryland Elementary. I remember skipping school on a bike with a friend and going to Mary Coyle's ice cream parlor. They had marshmallow crème and chopped peanuts to go on top of your sundaes. There was also a Mexican restaurant that had cheese crisps on their menu. They were terrific. I think they were made with flour tortillas and cheese and probably the first nachos or something like that. I loved going to Chris Town. We would also go to some theme park in where you mined for gold. What was that place??
Does anybody recall a novelty/t-shirt/pipes/incense store on south side of Indian School near 3rd Street? I worked there as a kid and the owner's name was Dick Taggart - does anybody remember? Or know of Dick Taggart?
The Suns played at Veterans Memorial Coliseum. I don't believe that it was ever called Phoenix Memorial Coliseum.
It was nice on a hot summer night swimming at the reservoir, which was above the pink sidewalks with friends. The Biltmore security would run us off.
I'm pretty sure between Farrells ice cream moving out and the burger place moving in at Metro there was a movie theater there. I want to say it was a Harkins or United Artist. I know the UA theater was on the outer loop of the mall so maybe it was Harkins?
I remember it well! And I hadn't thought of the Blue Goat in years! And if you're familiar with Hand Olsen, maybe you remember the band Nite Hawk Diner? I think they might have played your place back in the day. They're doing a 40 year reunion thing this year and playing on October 17th.
Does anyone else remember the "flumes" out by Lake pleasant? Incredibly dangerous, and someone would get hurt every year, but we were bulletproof back then. ..
I remember. .
I still miss that! !
The flumes! !
Boondockers at I 17 and Happy Valley Road, mid to late 70's, and we wouldn't even go that far off the freeway, there was NOTHING out there for miles. The No Name Saloon, 16th St and Osborn. The turtle races at Shenanigans, Nite Hawk Diner, the Gold Foxy Lady cards that the owner of both the Fifth National Bank and Bluegrass Country would hand out every year, free drinks and admission to both bars for a year. Jerry Riopelle at Celebrity Theater every New Years Eve, camping in the square in Prescott every 4th Of July, Whiskey Row, the original Matt's Birdcage, when Mr Lucky's used to have bull riding in the parking lot - WITH A REAL LIVE BULL. ...God, I loved growing up here, guess that's why I'm not leaving. ..
Used to visit Scottsdale in the mid 70's. Anyone remember a restaurant where you order your food from a phone installed at each booth? I thought that was the coolest thing. We especially liked the fresh strawberry pie. Funny the things you remember sometimes....
Hi Debbie: Yeah, we had Nite Hawk Diner in a few times as I recall. Amazing to hear they're still together after all this time. Hans Olson always had a crowd that followed him around in those days. He played Newtons on Monday nights and occasionally on Tuesdays also. Our crowd changed from night to night. I remember booking Charles Lewis to play one weekend and after a very slow Friday night he suggested Tempe wasn't a jazz town. We quickly changed back to the rowdy rock bands the city of Tempe was known for. Disco pretty much killed live bands in those years so between rock sets we played Bee Gees and Donna Summers dance tunes. Kinda schizo but it kept everybody happy and ordering drinks. I'm always pleased when I mention Isaac Newtons and somebody turns and says: "I loved Newtons; met my first wife there!" :)
i remember going to the northern drive inn on northern and black canyon hiway seen speedway with alvis presley bill bixby, and the keg beer partys at 7th street and union hills,we used to go fishing in the canal near where rose mofford sports complex is,i was born and raised in what was north phoenix 29th ave between northern and dunlap,my dad used to drink beer at the old gap tavern dunlap and the freeway right next to gulf gas station which is now fuddfruckers burger joint, the cresent hotel used to be a farm, dang i sure miss those days
Yes, that was The Phone Company
I remember going to Christown as a kid and wondering why men were going down the stairs near the Orange Julius. It was a bar called The Janitors Closet. How about the round banks on Central/Osborn. One was a Western Savings. When I was little they actually hand wrote your deposit in your saving book. We'd make a deposit once we saved $5. I worked in the "ibm computer card" building on Central/Osborn in the early 80s. Back then uptown downtown was the place to be. We'd go to the Yacht Club, Cheese and Stuff, Macayos, Bob's Big Boy or La Pinata for lunch. For happy hour we'd go to the free wine and cheese parties the radio stations would have, Hoolihans, Jersey Club, Macayos and Willie & Guillermo's, Black Angus, El Torito & Bennigans.
I got my hair cut it long hair incorporated and use the conceived by nature shampoo. I would go swimming at the Maryvale pool. And we met the stuntman Tom Mix in Old Tucson while on vacation. My name is Donald Maxey and I am on Facebook.
La casita
The big night out was dinner at Bonanza on 75th and...camelback?
My dad took us to Shiprock in the 60s 70s.
Remember when Warsaw Wallys, and the Library and Edcel's Attic and the Impulse, and the Purple Turtle were the live music bars in Phx? And bands like the Spiffs, and the Jetsons, and Billy Clone and the Same, et al played?
Does anyone who grew up in Glendale in the 70s remember a tiny hamburger place literally next to Grand Avenue called Joe's Place? They had that amazing sauce that they would drown the burgers and hot dogs with. And what about the bottled sodas in the water cooler? That was an amazing little place. I wish I could get my hands on that sauce recipe!
I remember World Beyond at 10:30 am every Saturday on Channel 5. Must have seen just about every monster, horror, and B-grade sci-fi movie from the 1930's through the 1980's. For a title graphic, they had a psychedelic effect on the "World Beyond" text, complete with a clip from the song Time by Pink Floyd.
Remember Blakely's Gas Stations, you would collect their frosted Glass and Tumbler Set with pictures of Cactus on each one. Green Gables restaurant on 24th st and Thomas and the Shining Knight on a White horse out front. Murphy McFitts Bar on 7th St south of Thomas. Live music w/ Coyote. The Original Monastery was on 48th St and Indian School behind the Mortuary.
Wow, so many posts & so many memories! I moved to Phoenix in late 1975 when I was 13, coming from Germany by way of Daytona Beach, FL. Our apartment complex was near 16th St & Camelback and I attended Madison Park, then Central High. I knew it was going to be a weird school year when everyone stood up and said, "Good morning Mr. Chambers!" when the teacher walked in. It was a great ice breaker. That following summer, the summer of the bicentennial was amazing and hot. I went to Big Surf with some friends, told them it was better than the ocean, 'no sharks'. I remember watching Wallace and Ladmo with my brother & sister along with that silly car commercial- Go see Cal. When we lived in Germany, I listened to the Armed Forces Network because there was no American television. KRIZ was my favorite station and I knew all the DJ's by their voice although they threw their names out 10-15 times an hour. I was listening to them until their final night. Tubing down the Salt River without sunscreen, oh yea, will never forget that. Papago Park, climbing Squaw Peak, Encanto Park, my first real job at Waffle House on Bell Rd and Black Canyon Frwy. Phoenix was a great place to live 1975 to 1980, and I hope it still is. I live in FL, but have very fond memories and will probably move to CO or NV in another 2 yrs. I visit the southwest often as I miss the desert and mountains.
Roller Skating at the rink across the street from Thomas mall!!!
Don't forget Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips, one skyscraper, one terminal and one runway at the airport and one freeway ( I 17) that ceased to exist at Buckeye road.
I moved here in 1975 to work at Maricopa Technical Community College in downtown Phoenix. There wasn't a bus depot and all the buses stopped in front of the college front door on Washington. Quite a colorful walk to get to the door. I lived on 24th and Camelback and remember when the TGI Friday's opened- major event and very popular with the "famous" professional athletes at the time. Does anyone remember the name of the French restaurant in Scottsdale, probably on 5th avenue? Very small and expensive. I think it may have closed in the late '70s.
I also remember the Playboy Club on Central Ave. I went there with a date. I was told it was the first Playboy Club to open. Women in their little pink bunny costumes, white bunny ears, and little white puffy tails. I was 24 and amazed to see the "real thing."
Pizza Pub 68th Street & McDowell. Busy Boy Burgers, Scottsdale Road just North of Thomas. Hitching Post Motel, stayed there first night in AZ. June 1957. Yellow Front, best place for Levis any where. Saba's downtown Scottsdale, still there. Straw hat Pizza, watch old movies. El Camino Theater on Scottsdale Road across from a Ricardo's, Los Arcos Mall, basment theater saw the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid there, became a Harkins theater owned by the president of Scottsdale High School's Yogurt Club, Danny Harkins. The Tasty Freeze across from SHS, where the smokers hung out so nobody else went there. Los Olivos Mexican food still in downtown Scottsdale, great grilled pork steak and black beans dinner.
I think it was called ?:"TOWER RECORDS ? !
The little french restaurant on or around 5th ave in old Scottsdale was La Chaumiere. It was expensive and snooty but their Canard (duck) Ã l'Orange was excellent. I haven't thought about that little bistro in 40 years....thanks!
I LOVED seeing the birds in that aviary at Christown!!
And I think the place with the animatronic birds was on 16th St just south of Camelback. It was very green - lots of painted "banana plant" leaves on the walls. It was mostly a sandwich place & it started with a B. Could that be the place Amy Hurley is thinking of?
Fedmart, TG&Y. ABCO grocery stores. Luckys grocery store at 19th and Bethany. Valley National Bank. La Palma Mexican restaurant in Glendale. Lazy Lou's Fish and chips..oh, how I miss them! The tiny little drive -thru only Burger Shoppe at 39th ave and Grand, with the 25 cent, 32-oz cokes and the most delicious burgers. Bethany home theatre with the Village Inn next door AND goony golf. What a great place to grow up!
Remember when that developer guy was building a resort on what was basically a garbage dump on 7th & Northern (I believe) The Pointe (the first one)? We laughed... but he had the last laugh.
I worked there, Humpty Dumpty's, Sambo's on 32nd & Shea, Guggy's in Scottsdale Fashion Square (late 70's), the original Sheraton Hotel (when Bell Rd was the last road in Scottsdale), Lunt Ave Marble Club, Macayo's (downtown), Pizza Inn.
Went to Yum's Chinese Buffet on 7th St, then off to Sombrero Theatre for triple features of Marx Brothers, Stooges, or other films. Rocky Horror was there every weekend Midnight.
Remember La Cucaracha on 7th @ Indian School, kitty corner from the VA hospital?
Dr. Munchies? Discos? And of course, partying in the desert, tubing the salt river, and Pinnacle Peak which felt like you drove 100 miles to get to, out in the middle of nowhere!
Wow! Karmelcorn! I can smell it right now. I spent many summer Tuesdays at the Valley West Cinema where 49 cents got me in to see a movie. If I didnt blow my money on popcorn and Red Vines I would have enough to play at that wonderful arcade across from the theater or to buy Garbage Pail Kids at Tick Tock Toys
The theater inside Metro next to Farrells, later Round the Corner, was called Cinema I-II-III; it did become a Harkins 12 plex in the early 90s. You are correct that the UA cinema was located on the east end of the outer loop. There was also an AMC on the northern side of the loop tucked inside what was called Metro Village.
YES!!! They took the title text, which looked like an old MS-DOS font and gave it an orbiting effect. Godzilla OWNED the World Beyond...along with his son, and nephews, and Mothma. You'd crank the dial to 5 after the Bugs Bunny Roadrunner Show because cartoons were done for the day. Dont forget Action Theater at 12 and Adventure Theater at 2.
Goldmine at Maryvale Mall
Wonderful blog. Remember when I17 was the only freeway in Phoenix? In order to get to Paradise Valley you went done Northern Ave and it turned into Shea Blvd. Remember when all the kids from Deer Valley and New River were bused in to Apollo High School. Ll the elementary schools were Labeled "Unit 1 or Unit 2' so on and so forth? Remember when you were told to go out to play and you could go to the local Grade School and play on the play ground? Oh I could go on and on. Thanks again for the wonderful blog.
What about Mc Nicks on 59th, Club Tribeca, Reads and Franks hydraulics on central, lucky 8 ball on Indian school, or who could forget Tim and Mark on KDKB?
I remember the "Big Sky Drive-in" just east of 43rd Avenue & South of Indian School Road just behind the K-Mart, saw the movie "The Warriors" there, also the U-Drive go-kart racing on the North side of Indian School where you could get 10 laps for $1. Blake's Lotta Burger on 43rd was always a stop on the way to U-Drive. I was in the area of 51st & Indian School a few months ago and it sure has changed also. As a teenager I worked at Woody's Mexican Food on the corner of 51st Avenue & Indian School road, where the Sizzler is now. It was Woody Johnson's second restaurant before he opened the Macayo's on Central avenue I believe. There was a Nautilus Gym on the same corner. The old Maryvale Mall and the Low-Cost grocery store on the North West corner area are long gone. Heck even the Palo Verde Library has been moved out closer to 51st Ave.
oh, my!!! just relived a life time of memories. thanks SO much. here are a few of my own. I've lived here for 61 years. Encanto Park, from the carousal to the paddle boats. Crown Florist on 7th St. & Camelback. My grandma took me there every year for fake flowers for my grandpa's grave. It was just recently torn down. Long Wong's on Indian School and 68th St, Long wong's in Tempe with some band (scott something)THE BEST WINGS EVER!!! Went to the Playboy Club in the late 70's. Had my first (and last) Green Grasshopper. I got in trouble in the 60's for 'tagging' my local Trifty store. remember the square ice cream servings? Christown and the sand sculptures. I remember being dropped off for the day at Maryvale Pool, hanging out for a few hours, then walking to the Palo Verde Library and spending the rest of the day reading and checking out books. then I would get picked up. I was 7 years old!! Lake Pleasant was actually 2 lakes. The Florist on 7th and McDowell was actually a florist shop. Used it all during high school. Jerry Riopelle and Leon Russell at the Celebrity Theater every New Year's Eve. With its fancy 'rotating' stage. Cloud 9 on top of the mountain on 19th ave and Peoria (ish). they had a tram that would take you from the parking lot at the base of the mountain up to the building. cant remember if it was gambling or just an eatery. Long Hair in the 70's. MICK was my guy. He gave the best permanents. Oh, the fun we had in his chair! Wax museum on Van Buren. Wards for school clothes. how humiliating! sears was such a step up! John F. Long homes. $29,000. Nelsons pool on 19th ave. along the canal, my first and only cigarette. yuck. the Shamrock Milk factory on the freeway. I remember the carnivals there. Bring on more memories!!
OMG! I remember cruusing metro center in my little red Nissan hard body pick up! If you were seen going around the inner loop more than once, you got a ticket LOL I also cruised central in that truck learned how to drive a stick that very same day so my best friend and I could cruise down central...I was so scared I was going to stall it
Does anyone remember "Levi and the Zippers" the local band??
Does anyone remember "Po Folks" country restaurant off 51st Ave and thunderbird rd??
Omg the memories!!! It was 1968, I was 5. My mom and new step-dad moved to Phx from Denver. We started in South Phx on Central and ultimately ended up in a neighborhood at 35th avenue and Thomas... I remember in 7th grade walking thru a farm field surrounded by industrial warehouses that sprung up around it to Isaac Jr High on 35th and Roosevelt. My first real job was as a dishwasher at Lunt Ave Marble Club, I was. 16. Wow so many memories ty so much! And OMG Pete's fish an chips on Friday night for dinner! The school carnivals.... Walking from 16th st. And Buckeye at 4am on sunday mornings to go fishing for blue gill at encanto park. Loved to canoe thru the canals at encanto! Man those really were the good old days... Life was simple... Kids were safe to walk almost anywhere at anytime of day for the most part. What happened to our society?
I lived in Phx from 1968 when I was 5 til 1981 at 18 and joined the military. Went to P.T. Coe elem. On 39th'ish an thomas but lived in Tempe during High School yrs so attended Tempe High. Ended up back in Colorado where I'll enjoy life to the good lord calls me home :)
Put'N'Take, Yellowfront, Sandy's hamburgers, Lew's Rangers, Madison Square Gardens, and KPHO carrying three networks as the only TV station in town. Art Brock was the main "on air" personality. Our first house (1951) was on Lareral 14 (27th Ave) before we move to Maryvale Terrace in 1955.
Freddie's on the wash. The Monastery on Camelback. When my parents first moved to Scottsdale, we had the house that was the farthest east - east of our house was the Pima Indian res. Super concert with Sugar Loaf, Jethro Tull, and Leon Russel. And Ranch House hamburgers with the best slaw burgers (across from Scottsdale High school).
Did anyone party at The Works club in Scottsdale?
This is great. Loved Ed Debevik's off of Highland, and remember the giant 80's nightclub on Camelback - Zazoo?
The Suns did not steal the gorilla from you. They stole it from Eastern Onion Singing Telegram Service. Fans would order telegrams to be done at the games in all kinds of costumes and the owner of Eastern Onion told the messenger who happened to be in the gorilla costume to stay and interact with the crowd. Jerry Collangelo saw an opportunity and hired the messenger away from Eastern Onion.
So who did the Eastern Onion Singing Telegram Service steal the gorilla idea from? I contend the gorilla was first seen at Issac Newton's Notorious Falling Apple Saloon, my nightclub in Tempe. I think I'll continue to claim the Suns gorilla was stolen from me, possibly through this Eastern Onion outfit. This is all good fun and I was quite pleased to see MaGilla grow into a national celebrity. I still have his yellow felt banana in a box somewhere.
It was I dressed as Frank many nights. It was also playing on Mill Ave in Scottsdale. I met Tim Curry when he stayed at Dell Webb townhouse in Phx. He was there for his first concert tour.
Sounds like Garcias to me ... Awesome food
I lived in Mesa in 86-86. I didn't have a car so I walked everywhere. There used to be a homestyle type restaurant at the corner of Alma School and Baseline Road, across from the Jack in the box. Also an ice cream place that had the best waffle cones and they mixed the toppings into the ice cream. I also played video games at an arcade near fiesta mall. Does anyone know the names of these places??
What about IGA grocery store and Peter piper pizza.
OK, how about the rock shows at the Odyssey Theater on McDowell Rd??? I saw The Men from Uranus (early Tubes), Cactus, and Zephyr to name a few. They don't have rock clubs like that anymore!
How about the Shamrock Ice Cream place on Central in downtown Phoenix?
Remember in the 70's you could climb the stairs to the outdoors observation deck at our tiny airport and watch the planes land and take off? My boyfriend and I would stand up there in the heat and watch the planes for a while, then drive up south mountain to look out over the valley at the city lights.
Oh, man, what a great blog! I remember about 80% of the things mentioned! I worked at the A.J. Bayless grocery store in the old Camelback Shopping Center at Camelback and Scottsdale Roads. Bought lumber at Angels, blue jeans at Yellow Front, saw Star Wars at the Cine Capri, Jaws at the Rodeo Drive, Jerry Reopelle News Years, drank at the Monastery, cruised not on Metro Center, but Central before that and so many more. Never did get a Ladmo bag. Thanks for the memories and great, great blog! Man, am I old!
Pugzies sandwich shop?
26th fl of First Federal bldg
Wow - thanks for all the memories! Just visited Phoenix for the holidays and fondly conjured up some of my own in the Restaurant category...The Islands on 7th St., Northbank Restaurants, King's Table Buffet, Monk's Garden Restaurant & "Disco", Glass Door in Scottsdale, Caf'Casino, Victoria Station, The Tillerman...
I've been here since 1967 and not even Sheriff Joe can make me want to leave! Love it! Used to get teased for living in BF Egypt... 23rd Ave & Cactus! Definitely love thinking about Farrell's, Organ Stop, Riding my Bike (called the Dill Pickle with a Banana Seat, a Flag Whip, and Spoke Bling!) To Thrifty for the Triple Sxoop of Ice Cream! Legend City! The Grabby Chimp at ChrisTown Mall that would take the penny you offered him and put it under his hat! Going up to Cloud Nine to see the Fireworks! Track and Field Day! Recording the Sunday Music Countdown on a Cassette Tape! The River Bottom Bonfires! The Green Park and Swap Fake IDs to get in the bar for Drink and Drown! Smoking a joint while we watched the HangGliders land! Yeah the rest is just a happy blur!!
Moved to Phoenix at age 4 in 1967. Went to Maryvale when it was a 90% predominantly white high school, was a powerhouse in Football and went 52-9 from 1975-1979. I remember when Maryvale Mall was one of the first indoor all carpet mall, with Anchor Stores, Malcom's, Boston Store, La Belles. I remember when Mesa Mountain View High School opened and was at the edge of town in the East Valley and won there first State Title in Football. Does anyone remember the Anytown Camp in the summer for High School Students up near Prescott?
Does anyone remember any of these restaurants...
Guggy's on Indian School and 51st Avenue
Durant's on Central
Brookshire's at McDowell and 16th Street
Pizza Farroh's
Mother Tucker's on Lincoln Drive
Cork and Cleaver
Beef Eaters
Green Gable's on East Thomas
El Maya Mexican Food on Indian School near 12th Street
Lunt Avenue Marble Club on Central and Camelback
Oscar Taylor's at the Biltmore
Houlihan's at the Biltmore
Willie and Guillermo's on Central
Bailey's in Glendale on 59th Avenue
Bob's Big Boy
Le Peep
The Good Egg
Tokyo Express
Pete's Fish and Chips
Bill Johnson's Big Apple
Tandoori Kabob's
Aunt Childa's
Bobby McGee's
The Original Garcia's on 35th Avenue
La Petite Boulangerie
Tuchetti's Baked Spaghetti
Duck and Decanter
Anyone remember
Tower Plaza
Colonnade Mall
Town and Country
Thomas Mall
Maryvale Mall
Valley West Mall
Westridge Mall
Metro Center
Christown Mall
Park Central Mall
Los Arcos Mall
Camelview Plaza
Scottsdale Mall
The Scottsdale Galleria
The Borgata
Paradise Valley Mall
Anyone remember
Legend City
Wallace and Ladmo
Carolyn Warner
Irrigating Lawns
Boston Department Store
Joske's Department Store
Malcolm's Department Store
I-Magnum Department Store
Bullock's Department Store
Sakowitz Department Store
Diamond's Department Store
Goldwater's Department Store
Globe Store at 7th Avenue and Camelback
Newberry Store
Bruce Babbit
Corbin and Company
Heart and Sole
Aerobix of Scottsdale
La Camarilla
Village Tennis Club
24 Hour Nautilus
Maricopa Athletic Club
Porky's Backyard
Mr Lucky's
Graham Central Station
Playing volleyball at Sea Brezze at 59th ave and greenway.
Cuz you could get across to your friends house without going around
Green Gables Restaurant - with the knight in armor sitting on a white horse at the entrance to the parking lot! I always wanted to go there when I was a kid - never made it.
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